we sky

美 [wi skaɪ]英 [wi skaɪ]
  • 网络李晓峰
we skywe sky
  1. " We see the sky is blue , but down in the valley it 's darker — it 's like on a cloudy day . "


  2. Have we seen this sky so clear ?


  3. The blue void we call the sky


  4. because we enjoy the sky , the sea and the sunrise , the sunset together


  5. Because we enjoy the sky , the sea and the sunrise , the sunset together .


  6. They told us we had interactive Sky TV where you could watch any court at Wimbledon , but that 's not the case .


  7. On evenings when we cruised the sky , we were a traffic-stopping show .


  8. With the beginning of the New Year , we use the sky , the sky on hope polished drifts blossoming cloud , which is the way forward-the flags waving scene .


  9. When we appreciate the sky the stars and experience the magic of the universe when Hawking was only the activities with his two fingers to explore the universe of the unknown substances ;


  10. We had the sky up there , all speckled with stars , and we used to lay on our backs and look up at them , and discuss about whether they were made or only just happened .


  11. We looked at the sky where the last of the sunlight was verging into darkness .


  12. Can we have this clear sky every day ?


  13. We fly to the sky with ( the ) wind .


  14. We always knew that Sky was powerful .


  15. But somehow , we live and our sky grows bright .


  16. We were on the sky wheel to feel the interesting , very fun .


  17. Can we reach for the sky bright ?


  18. We have painted the sky and branded the beach sand .


  19. Probably at one time the earth was blazing hot , like the stars we see in the sky at night .


  20. Some of the stars we see on the sky today are aready dead .


  21. We arrived when the sky had cleared after a downpour .


  22. We use the GI Sky Sampler and an HDRI image to light the scene without any actual lights .


  23. Most of the stars we see in the sky were formed when the universe was young , just a few billion years after the Big Bang .


  24. Today , we look to the sky , the sky is still uncertain , the heart of the moral law of those noble , some we need to call again .


  25. If we were in the sky and iistening .


  26. And indeed , we can experience the sky in a planetarium in a way that is impossible for us to do just sitting out and looking in the dark .


  27. Breathing again when the pressure span exhibition chest , the rise of the right leg at the same time , we looked to the sky , buttocks legs tightened hard .


  28. With the study on numerical simulation of indoor illuminance , we find CIE clear sky model and CIE overcast sky model can be used for relative precise estimation of indoor daylight distribution , meanwhile , the calculating time and PC memory space are saved .


  29. So when we look up on a clear day we see blue sky , since the sunlight has had to pass through the least atmosphere , and fewer of the other colors of light have been spread .


  30. We should make a lot of work before we can make the sky bluer and the water cleaner in our city .
